In Review: Road Trip USA, followed by Jamie Jensen
"Road Trip USA ... will bring in close to the real America as it is still likely."
Here's a question for you. If time and money, only an extensive tour on the road in every continent on the planet who would agree to was to choose and where would you go? I ask this question because the only time and money to stop what many people seem to be their ultimate dream of societyHoliday.
Last year (March 2008), according to an online survey conducted by the Australian site leading automotive, Australians love to continue to work again. In fact, the survey of 810 respondents, a huge 99 per cent of Australians were allowed to travel because of the freedom and spontaneity.
Not long after the poll was released Cars Guide, a Rand McNally survey (May 2008), the audit found American attitudes to long road trips similar views on this form ofHoliday. According to the study of Rand McNally (of 2,030 U.S. adults), three out of four adults (75%) were at least somewhat 'likely to take a trip, and about three in ten (29%) said they were very likely.
Meanwhile, an article reported in the online edition of the Wall Street Journal (May 2009) published that the road trip was willing to make a comeback for the summer season in the United States began to travel, despite the continuing crisis and fuel prices.
While the cost of fuelaccommodation and have been appointed as the two major concerns in Australia and America, it seems that our respective love stories for the open road can not subside anytime soon.
This leads me to Road Trip USA.
Bestsellers Jensen Jamie-travel guide, Road Trip USA: Cross-Country Adventures on America's two-lane highways (Fifth edition, Avalon Travel, 2009) as America leads in the vicinity of the real as you are ever likely to.
With 11 races to choose fromfrom, for classic American landscapes, such as the Appalachian Trail, Atlantic Coast, Oregon Trail and the famous Route 66 Road Trip USA controls fearless road warriors through big cities like San Francisco and Chicago as well as remote, but fascinating all-American cities like Dyersville, Mississippi (where the baseball field for the film by Kevin Costner "Field of Dreams created attracts visitors from near and far), or small working-class town of Seneca Falls, in upstate New York (thesaw the birth of the women's movement in the United States in July 1848).
As expected, the streets of Jensen also lead to popular destinations such as Disneyland, Yellowstone National Park, Niagara Falls, and the Statue of Liberty. Full of local history, extravagant curiosity (Memphis gifts for American culture - and the world - including the supermarket, the drive-in restaurant, the Holiday Inn, oh, and Elvis Presley). Full of detail and great curiosity on the road (a sign in Texas Spellingthe command: "Rattlesnakes Out Here"), Road Trip USA provides a plethora of recommendations, where they stop to see what and where to stay and eat. This is a guide for travelers and exit from the highway system in the heart and soul of America.
Other features of this edition are:
hundreds or a flexible network of route combinations, extensively cross-and color-coded to allow the possible paths
Over 125 detailed orGuide maps
or internal color with modern and vintage photos and illustrations
A section or "Road Trip" resources with contact information for popular hotel and motel chains, car rental companies, tourist offices of the state, centers and road conditions
My personal criteria for a good guide is that information is to enlighten and surprise even occasionally, so I have to say please, Road Trip USA who are not afraid to be informative, insightful, and yes,surprising.
I have no hesitation in saying that if I take my personal road trip across America, this is the only book I'll be at my side at all times.
What's missing?
Unfortunately, Road Trip USA resources almost entirely free of links to on-line. At a time when almost every piece of printed paper, a website URL and an e-mail address is somewhere, and when so many modern electronic devices are Internet ready, so this seems an obviousOmitted. I can only assume this is a deliberate choice of the author and publisher. have taken in detail, with thousands of points of interest in the book, you can groped decision-making and reduce the visual clutter of URLs found and make content more "readable" by avoiding it altogether.
Although not expected, a URL or e-mail address for each site in the Road Trip USA, certainly the most important monuments is guaranteed with the inclusion of a web link (whereavailable). A look through the other guide books on my shelf shows that all printed so the last five years and include web addresses and all future editions of "Road Trip USA would be served in good to do the same to.
Before You Go
Road Trip USA I think would also benefit from the journey "Before You Go" section covers basic information on the preparations for the '. This chapter could cover such topics as:
O Useful (online andonline) sources of information on travel arrangements.
O Information security (personnel, vehicles break down and other security issues)
o What to do in an emergency to do is (breakdowns, accidents, personal attacks, etc.)
or grab a list of possible cases and prepare
A checklist or vehicle pre-trip preparations (brakes, tires and motor controls, etc.)
or Traveling with children and pets
Road Trip USA still has a small part of the resources at the end of the book,To run only eight and a half pages - four of which contained a list of suggested reading. The others belong to organizations in any way connected with cars and highways, a short list of hotel / motel chains and car rental companies and a list of U.S. and Canadian authorities are engaged in tourism of the state and road conditions. And that's pretty much it.
The good news is that the failures mentioned above do not in any way the overall depth and quality of informationshown in U.S. Road Trip. With just over 900 pages, I think it's fair to say that some U.S. road trip includes all the "basics" and then. In fact, I have no hesitation in saying that if I make my own road trip across America, Road Trip USA will be times that a book at all, I on my part.
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